Today was the second day in school that we had to wait for windows updates for half an hour and still it wasn't finished. It's okay for systems to get updated but not in the way that it prevents you from doing it anything. When you start PC you want to start working on it as soon as it is ready and not to wait for some updates that you don't even need. There is a way that you can turn them off but how to explain to someone who uses laptop or PC strictly for browsing or using office programs. As someone who jumped recently to Linux, I can say that in Windows you have so many files, folders, drives... you don't know where to look for your stuff. It wastes a lot of a valuable time. I started with Linux Ubuntu, at first it felt like running without any restrictions, like taking a walk on the beach. You download something, you can find it in one click or if you're better with command line interface, in one command(you can do that on WIN too). Not to say how much faster Ubuntu runs. Later I felt that Ubuntu's interface is quite plastic(recently I tweaked it with Cairo desktop) so I wanted to try some other Linux distributions. I found one that is based on Ubuntu but "pretends" to be a Windows. You have windows-like interface with all Linux features. Actually it has the best things from both of them- It is called Zorin OS. Wine(Windows installer for Linux) came pre-installed with the system so I wanted to check if it is possible to run Windows program on Linux. YOU CAN! I tried with some games and even Microsoft Office and nothing failed. Although you can't install everything, there is a huge list of applications and games you can install by doing few simple steps. You just download thing you want to install from the internet just like on windows and then you install it with Wine. After it is installed real magic happens. Everything works like in Windows but maybe a slightly better. To get back on my first subject, updates. Yeah, Linux asks you whether you want them or not, something I have not seen in Windows. Linux gives you a full control of everything that you do(some beginners don't like that), Windows not and that's why I'm angry at it, not to mention it has dozens of viruses. If you want to forget about Windows slowness, viruses and many games(some of them you'll be able to play) and still use Office programs and other things originally made for windows, give Zorin a try.
srijeda, 10. prosinca 2014.
četvrtak, 27. studenoga 2014.
Alive and kicking
As my goal was to create something for my friends, it was written in my native language. As soon as I get more time, I'll make an english version for Linux too.
Evo ljudi, ovdje možete preuzeti noviju verziju, updejtovanu što bi rekli.
Ako netko ima problema sa instaliranjem slijedite sljedeće korake.
1) Prvo i najbitnije za rad u budućnosti je instalacija Shoes-a. Uključen je u folderu tak da nemate frke s time gdje ćete ga naći ili nešto tako.
2) Nakon što ste instalirali Shoes aplikaciju pokrećete tako da kliknete na ikonu naziva 1Leasy_start.shy, ondje vas aplikacija pita gdje želite spremati svoj rad u budućnosti(rad vezan uz aplikaciju). Beskompromisno morate izabrati folder Leasy-Aplikacija, u tom prozoru koji s otvorio samo označite taj navedeni folder i kliknite SAVE, gore imate opciju da napišete i ime, ali nemojte tamo ništa upisivati. Nakon toga vam se javlja sljedeći prozor u aplikaciji te ondje samo stisnete Sljedeći Korak.
3) TO JE TO! Ako vas zanima što se može raditi u aplikaciji pročitajte upute koje sam postavio u folder 'Instalacija Shoes'.
Eto toliko zasada, ovo je prva verzija, planiram uskoro izbaciti još koju za Linux i MAC OS, te poboljšati rad sa datotekama tako da ih ubacim u sqlite tablice. Iza svega je ideja da ovo postane i android aplikacija.
Evo ljudi, ovdje možete preuzeti noviju verziju, updejtovanu što bi rekli.
Ako netko ima problema sa instaliranjem slijedite sljedeće korake.
1) Prvo i najbitnije za rad u budućnosti je instalacija Shoes-a. Uključen je u folderu tak da nemate frke s time gdje ćete ga naći ili nešto tako.
2) Nakon što ste instalirali Shoes aplikaciju pokrećete tako da kliknete na ikonu naziva 1Leasy_start.shy, ondje vas aplikacija pita gdje želite spremati svoj rad u budućnosti(rad vezan uz aplikaciju). Beskompromisno morate izabrati folder Leasy-Aplikacija, u tom prozoru koji s otvorio samo označite taj navedeni folder i kliknite SAVE, gore imate opciju da napišete i ime, ali nemojte tamo ništa upisivati. Nakon toga vam se javlja sljedeći prozor u aplikaciji te ondje samo stisnete Sljedeći Korak.
3) TO JE TO! Ako vas zanima što se može raditi u aplikaciji pročitajte upute koje sam postavio u folder 'Instalacija Shoes'.
Eto toliko zasada, ovo je prva verzija, planiram uskoro izbaciti još koju za Linux i MAC OS, te poboljšati rad sa datotekama tako da ih ubacim u sqlite tablice. Iza svega je ideja da ovo postane i android aplikacija.
utorak, 25. studenoga 2014.
Not so fast!
Well, it passed quite some time before I wrote another post. My answer to that is I didn't have time...but there always must be time. But really I had nothing to write because my plans weren't going as well as I thought they would. Building application, for me, as a beginner is like never-ending story. One moment I think it is done, and something gets to my mind to expand it or I find a major bug and must change dozens of lines in my code. I just realised what means building for particular platform. As I was writing the code only in programming language, everything was pretty much okay, but when I needed to access some terminal commands I realised that they are not the same on every system. I would like to focus myself 100% on this project but I have a lot of school obligations which prevents me from doing it. Still, my application is about school, actually for school, to keep all the data and information you get in school neat and tidy. AAAnd of course, I would like to help my friends to cope with school easier.
ponedjeljak, 22. rujna 2014.
Post no. 2 (Leasy 0.0.1)
Well, I'm building a GUI with Shoes for a while now. It was December, 2013 when I've started. It's not really that I was doing it every day or for a very large ammount of hours but it spanned pretty much. It is probably the easiest toolkit to build functional GUI application, but every time when I think that I might be done with it, new idea comes to my mind and I give myself more work to do. However, now I'm feeling that it really could be close to the end and I'm kinda excited to show it to people. I still need to do the testing and up to the moment I've found a few bugs, but solved it with the help of great Shoes community. I really hope that this tool is going to live big time because it is really really fun.
What to say?!
First time :)
Well I don't like using my real name, because I'm afraid some people who are close to me will see this, but hey! I'm writing this so they can find out what's in my head.
I'm gonna try to find a way how to let them know it's me without saying my name anywhere. Am I? Not really, I won't do it too obvious but if they dug up deeper onto my blogs they would probably get to me.
First blog, first story... What else to say than first one is the hardest or first one gets thrown away(because it is hard :P)
Well I don't like using my real name, because I'm afraid some people who are close to me will see this, but hey! I'm writing this so they can find out what's in my head.
I'm gonna try to find a way how to let them know it's me without saying my name anywhere. Am I? Not really, I won't do it too obvious but if they dug up deeper onto my blogs they would probably get to me.
First blog, first story... What else to say than first one is the hardest or first one gets thrown away(because it is hard :P)
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